Sooooo Tired. and Pissed off. but ill get to that later.
The week went by fairly normal, I have a really bad memory so I dont really remember too many details. I know on monday I had a practice shoot with breezey which went pretty well. No were just aiting on the location and outfit to be all locked down, so hopefully that will get shot this week or next. I also got my skateboard all geared up, which ran me a good 80 bucks!!! I remember when it cost 80 bucks for a complete deck! Oh well I guess corporate America took care of that. Besides monday the week was pretty routine, school, work, school more school, more work... Thursday however I saw this girl who im totally in love with now. She walked by my demo table at school and gave me the once over, then smiled, and she was suuuper cute and quirky and wore this knit beanie with cat ears on it. Ive seen her before a couple times I think, so next time she walks by im getting her attention and seeing whats up. Friday I went to max_traffic's roommates Halloween party, which was decent. I went late becuase I was tired and so I missed the fire show. Oh well, it was good to see everyone. since Ive been so busy, I havent hung out with the group in a while. Saturday I helped my friend fix her computer, since she is completely inept at such things, and then I visted my grandpa in the hospital. He had a minor stroke, but hes doing much better now. Sat night I got drunk and had some deeelicious costco burgers. Sunday I had a photoshoot planned with one of my skaters, but he was having an off day and was really sucking, so we're gonna try again next week. Then I went to a class project, where no one showed up and no one bothered to call me and tell me that no one was showing up. Sunday night I went to another party and got a lil drunk and met some cool people. All in all it was a good halloween weekend... Now to why I am totally pissed. So I walk out to my car this morning, and low and behold, my passenger side window is smashed in!!! Again! this time it was obvious they broke in, since my stereo face plate is missing. Thats right, just the face plate!!! The retarded mexicans that broke into my car to steal my stereo, only took my face plate, since you cant get my radio out with out the key. But they didnt bother taking my CD's behind the seat, or my Speakers, or anything. They just took my face plate. So now not only do I have to pay a good 150 to get my window replaced. I cant listen to music, since my face plate is fucking gone!!!
The week went by fairly normal, I have a really bad memory so I dont really remember too many details. I know on monday I had a practice shoot with breezey which went pretty well. No were just aiting on the location and outfit to be all locked down, so hopefully that will get shot this week or next. I also got my skateboard all geared up, which ran me a good 80 bucks!!! I remember when it cost 80 bucks for a complete deck! Oh well I guess corporate America took care of that. Besides monday the week was pretty routine, school, work, school more school, more work... Thursday however I saw this girl who im totally in love with now. She walked by my demo table at school and gave me the once over, then smiled, and she was suuuper cute and quirky and wore this knit beanie with cat ears on it. Ive seen her before a couple times I think, so next time she walks by im getting her attention and seeing whats up. Friday I went to max_traffic's roommates Halloween party, which was decent. I went late becuase I was tired and so I missed the fire show. Oh well, it was good to see everyone. since Ive been so busy, I havent hung out with the group in a while. Saturday I helped my friend fix her computer, since she is completely inept at such things, and then I visted my grandpa in the hospital. He had a minor stroke, but hes doing much better now. Sat night I got drunk and had some deeelicious costco burgers. Sunday I had a photoshoot planned with one of my skaters, but he was having an off day and was really sucking, so we're gonna try again next week. Then I went to a class project, where no one showed up and no one bothered to call me and tell me that no one was showing up. Sunday night I went to another party and got a lil drunk and met some cool people. All in all it was a good halloween weekend... Now to why I am totally pissed. So I walk out to my car this morning, and low and behold, my passenger side window is smashed in!!! Again! this time it was obvious they broke in, since my stereo face plate is missing. Thats right, just the face plate!!! The retarded mexicans that broke into my car to steal my stereo, only took my face plate, since you cant get my radio out with out the key. But they didnt bother taking my CD's behind the seat, or my Speakers, or anything. They just took my face plate. So now not only do I have to pay a good 150 to get my window replaced. I cant listen to music, since my face plate is fucking gone!!!
That sucks, I got the radio stolen out of my bug and they smashed the windwing, I was pissed. Cars are not safe any more. Old roomie had his car broken into a bunch of times. It got to the point were they had already stolen eveything worth anything, so they stole the only thing left in his car, his letterman jacket. Then new roomies car was stolen friday morning in broad freaking daylight! Dude people are fuckers!

It was great hanging out with you and BETTIExPAGE on Sunday! How did the pics turn out?