been a long time since an update
im moving once AGAIN in a month and then again in ANOTHER MONTH its like my 14-15 move so far, and if your wondering its still a pain in the ass. but oh well, it should be fun once i settle and i found a place for half of what im paying now so its all worth it.
I got accepted to UW-M this week which i knew i would since i was at UW-oshkosh a few years ago and that place is twice as hard to get into for some reason.
i got one more online class to finish my associates this fall and im waiting to see how long it'll take me to escape with my bachelors. Thats if all the banks don't collapse and send us into a fight club spiral, which these days doesnt seem to bad. America needs a serious reboot, its so full of trojans and viruses that its sinking fast.
oh well, gotta get up in 4 hours to serve the mindless community its daily doses of caffeine and wheatgrass.
im moving once AGAIN in a month and then again in ANOTHER MONTH its like my 14-15 move so far, and if your wondering its still a pain in the ass. but oh well, it should be fun once i settle and i found a place for half of what im paying now so its all worth it.
I got accepted to UW-M this week which i knew i would since i was at UW-oshkosh a few years ago and that place is twice as hard to get into for some reason.
i got one more online class to finish my associates this fall and im waiting to see how long it'll take me to escape with my bachelors. Thats if all the banks don't collapse and send us into a fight club spiral, which these days doesnt seem to bad. America needs a serious reboot, its so full of trojans and viruses that its sinking fast.
oh well, gotta get up in 4 hours to serve the mindless community its daily doses of caffeine and wheatgrass.

Congrats on getting accepted! Atleast some one has something going for them today.