Bonjour everybody! I finally found out I can pick up a wireless signal through my studio if I sit close enough to the window. Time Warner has been dicking me around with installing my cable so I have been without internet for a month now which totally blows since I am a computer science major and have online classes and junk. But my new place...
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i could go on a rant today of why it took me 13 hours to move a little over 4 miles in milwaukee, and how its mainly my dumbass brothers fault but i wont tonight, because im crazy tired and happy the lifting part is over and also im in riverwest whcih is where i wanted to be from the start of moving here, only...
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been a long time since an update
im moving once AGAIN in a month and then again in ANOTHER MONTH its like my 14-15 move so far, and if your wondering its still a pain in the ass. but oh well, it should be fun once i settle and i found a place for half of what im paying now so its all worth it....
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im moving once AGAIN in a month and then again in ANOTHER MONTH its like my 14-15 move so far, and if your wondering its still a pain in the ass. but oh well, it should be fun once i settle and i found a place for half of what im paying now so its all worth it....
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My droor came up $25 short today...I want to blame it on my lack of sleep. I think I put it in the tips while changing it out for bigger bills. Oh well, blah blah blah.
Congrats on getting accepted! Atleast some one has something going for them today.
Congrats on getting accepted! Atleast some one has something going for them today.

Same shit, different day. I got a flat on sat. and ended up getting two new tires, my comp crapped out so im on my roommates while they are asleep and it seems that every internship around the area doesn't know how to return phone calls. oh well i guess, on and on
The summer blah's have taken effect immediately. I've been out of school for too long and can't spell, I've turned into a work drone with no money to show for it thanks to the tax man. My car is in the shop and I can't find anyone who just likes to chill and breathe.
Just as well summers over then 

I got my first stitches today! ive had a few mishaps before which shouldv'e required stitches but since my latest mishap was at my job and I didnt really feel like losing the end of my thumb I decided to go into the E.R. and received 4 stitches and a tetanus shot.
Ooh...Aren't tetanus shots fun? I just love the 3 day soreness.
I had to get one a while back when this old lady bit me at the nursing home where I worked.
'Twas Fun. But hey, now I give shots instead of get them, so I guess it's ok.
Good luck with the stitches! And your thumb!
I had to get one a while back when this old lady bit me at the nursing home where I worked.

Good luck with the stitches! And your thumb!
well I finally got a job!! im working at outpost natural foods, im in the meat department, i'm basically a meat bitch, should be interesting. school starts this week, should be interesting, i'm just hoping that all this new snow melts cause i have to drive 20 min. to school on thursday!
Happy New Years Everyone! Hope it was as fun as mine

So I finally got a tattoo. A bunch of my friends and I went out saturday afteroon and got them. They are all different but it was an awesome day, the first that i've had in a long time

your tattoo looks great!
Well, MATC has started, its been chaos so far, they cancelled two classes on me and now ive had to switch shit around, and financial aid finally got my shit sorted out, after I spent 2.5 hrs in there telling them they had all my shit in the computer, which they did of course. Still job hunting, got all these leads but they fall through...
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