This week is all about finding the money I need to move/live in L.A. It's a tricky situation, knowing how shitty my credit is, but it's off to the banks I go. Wish me luck.
More Blogs
Thursday Apr 28, 2005
Upon gettting home: There is something about having a 20 min. walk… -
Wednesday Apr 27, 2005
The draw-back to a shitty, rainy day, is that I end up sitting in fro… -
Saturday Apr 23, 2005
Average amount the Bush Administration has spent per year on contract… -
Thursday Apr 21, 2005
My heads all plugged up again. I should really try to quit smoking. … -
Tuesday Apr 12, 2005
Movin' to L.A. in Aug. Can't wait to leave Colorado. I gotta find … -
Tuesday Apr 05, 2005
My head is full of snot. I feel awful. -
Wednesday Mar 23, 2005
Applied to film school today in L.A. (Hell-A). Wish me luck. -
Saturday Mar 19, 2005
Taxes complete, great weekend money wise (so far), can't wait for Mon… -
Wednesday Mar 16, 2005
I'm presently tearing apart my house, tryin' to locate all my W2s. I…
What are you moving to LA?
...geez L.A...maybe I'll get there someday!