I clicked on the blog page, and am presented with this box which is meant for me to write such a blog, and being that it has been quite some since i have used this wonderful tool of vanity and voyeurism, the time seems right for a brief update of things. As most of you who would actually be reading this know, i work a ridiculous amount (about 70 hours/week) which is a large reason why im not more active on the site, blogs, etc.....because i have no time to do anything ever. My usual day the last 4 months consists of going to work for 10-15 hours, maybe hanging out with other late night bar workers afterwards for an hour, going home, sleeping, and going back to work. Generally if im not working im either sleeping or on my way to or from work. MY one day off, .wednesday, is usually spent running errands for the coming week of work. (my work btw is managing Capitol City in hollywood,ca.....come visit me) this week i was given two days off so my friend and i went up to MT high for a couple days of snowboarding and mountain drinking. much needed change of scenery, it was so great getting out of the city for a couple days. back to work tomorrow, but if anyones down i plan to make little 1 day get aways a new necessary addition to the routine. i have a friend with a cabin we stay at in mt high if anyone would care to join us for round 2 in a couple weeks.
at what point do the whores come in?