I'm in San Diego for the weekend for comic con. And while I'm here with such a la ish hotel room I figured I'd shoot a set. My Favorite hopefuls Nova__ and Gitzie jumped at the chance to shoot in my hotel room. So tonight we are shooting a multi set. Photos soon but in the mean time, check out the sets Nova__ and Gitzie have in member review!
More Blogs
New Photoset In Memeber Review: Catch of the Day
Earlier today my set with @pyranha went live in memeber review. Ev… -
Wonder Con Polaroids
Wonder con was this past weekend and I got an opportunity to t… -
Luka and Astraia
@luka_ and @astraia both have sets in member of review. In honor o… -
If Trees Could Talk
The set I shot of @astraia called If Trees Could Talk went live in … -
Forest Frolic
The set I shot of @Luka_ is still in memeber review here. In order… -
New QuincyElise photoshoot
I shot photos of @Quincyelise in my bathroom. For obvious reasons … -
Forest Frolic
My new set with @luka_ is now in member review. It's called Forest… -
I have new Polaroids available in my Etsy shop! @astraia and @luka… -
Etsy Shop Now Open!
Bring your favorite Suicide Girl or Suicdie Girl Hopeful home … -
Dirty Polaroids!
Who wants to buy some dirty polaroids? I'll be splittng the money …
I'm jealous.