Why is it people who work for the govenment feel that they have to live up to the stereotypes?
I know what you're thinking; government workers are lazy, overpaid, inefficient, etc. You're right!!
It is amazing. People at my work do nothing for weeks at a time so that when the deadline gets there they have to work OVERTIME to get it done. Therefore they are rewarded with more money for being lazy and not getting their job done. I, on the other hand, have three times the work these individuals have and get it done well and on time. My reward? Give me more work, take responsibility away from these assholes who are too lazy or stupid to do theirs. Others commit fraud, saying they are at work when they are not. One complete idiot can't get his job done EVER, even with copious amounts of overtime, so we send it to an outside agency at even greater expense. Who wins? this tool... who loses? I do, you do as a taxpayer (some of you at least) , my beautiful city loses its money.
Another thing about government work? You can't get fired, no matter how stupid or lazy or inefficient or outright insubordinate you are. If we could get rid of a few bad apples, overall morale would improve and more work would get done. What incentive do I have to keep kicking ass when I get no reward, when the guy next to me does nothing and is rewarded with overtime or time off or LESS responsibility. It REALLY pisses me off; maybe I can't toe the company line for thirty years and then retire. AArrgghh.
I know what you're thinking; government workers are lazy, overpaid, inefficient, etc. You're right!!
It is amazing. People at my work do nothing for weeks at a time so that when the deadline gets there they have to work OVERTIME to get it done. Therefore they are rewarded with more money for being lazy and not getting their job done. I, on the other hand, have three times the work these individuals have and get it done well and on time. My reward? Give me more work, take responsibility away from these assholes who are too lazy or stupid to do theirs. Others commit fraud, saying they are at work when they are not. One complete idiot can't get his job done EVER, even with copious amounts of overtime, so we send it to an outside agency at even greater expense. Who wins? this tool... who loses? I do, you do as a taxpayer (some of you at least) , my beautiful city loses its money.
Another thing about government work? You can't get fired, no matter how stupid or lazy or inefficient or outright insubordinate you are. If we could get rid of a few bad apples, overall morale would improve and more work would get done. What incentive do I have to keep kicking ass when I get no reward, when the guy next to me does nothing and is rewarded with overtime or time off or LESS responsibility. It REALLY pisses me off; maybe I can't toe the company line for thirty years and then retire. AArrgghh.
Care to place your 'money' where my mouth is??? SUM FOAKS JEST MITE take OFENCE SUN! BUCSH is an EDUMACATED LITER and SUM FILL he has DUN a GRATE DILL in ARE COUNTY!!!!! - NECKS YOU'RE most likely to SPEEK on spelling or INVIROMENTEL ASSOO's.
[Edited on Oct 09, 2004 1:15PM]
[Edited on Oct 10, 2004 1:27PM]
That was awesome!!! Thank you!
and, btw, don't waste your time looking through my old journals - by the time I got on SG, I was so freaking sick and tired of talking about it that I kind of skipped over it... but it is a significant part of my life because I'm still physically trying to recover (and emotionally too, but I don't share that very much) so it's been mentioned here and there (such as 'goddamn doctors won't let me go back to work' and 'goddamn doctors are making me do this and that' and 'goddamn...')
But, yeah, apparently, I'm a magnet for large vehicles... since the cement truck, I've had 3 near-misses (2 buses and a flatbed) and got run off the road by a delivery truck that decided he wanted to be in my lane, even though I was right there.
(thank god I had a passenger in all but one instances... otherwise I would honestly think I've gone insane!)
Anyhow, hope your weekend was great and that you are making yourself at home here
(btw... you honey's great... but... can you put in a good word for me cause... umm... there's this lipstick and umm... yeah... I don't want to get hurt