ok I took some "interesting" pix today. I want to do a set for suicideboys, but before I do that, I want some feedback on these pix. Anyone that looks at these pix please give me feedback. Don't be afraid to criticize. I take criticism rather well. I especially want some of the suicide girls to tell me what they think. They'd hold more influence than anyone. Thanks

PunkRock43256: hi, asl???
ScaryFluffyStuff: 20/f/pa
PunkRock43256: cool, 19/m/oh
ScaryFluffyStuff: cool
PunkRock43256: u got any pics?
ScaryFluffyStuff: from where did u get my sn?
PunkRock43256: i saw it aol dir.
PunkRock43256: sometime i use aim like yahoo kina.
ScaryFluffyStuff: ok
PunkRock43256: u wana chat?
ScaryFluffyStuff: i'm supposed to tell u that i'm taken and my boyfriend has a big black penis
ScaryFluffyStuff: i mean, that he's big and black