Sunday again - Was quite a good weekend, went to a gig last night. Behemoth. Which was shite! Nevermind, it was good just to go and socialise with my friends. Put my foot in it again though! There was this ginger twat who tried to chat up my gf last weekend - and when i saw him I said to my friend "hey there's that Irish cunt again prancing around my girlfriend like a dog in heat" (pardon my french, but i was slightly tipsy!) whereas my friend's mate replied, hey I'm half irish! O dear, that did not go down well. I had to explain to him it was not the fact that he was irish that annoyed me, but just that he's a wanker.
Then off to the dev, which was nice. Got home plastered again but strangely enough did not have a hangover this morning. I did drink a devilishly strong sleeping pill last night though and i suppose I slept right through my hangover. I got it from my sister, she got it prescribed by her doctor when she was pregnant and could not sleep. They are mindbendingly fucking strong, it makes my girlfriend hallucinate, scared the bejesus out of me the other night when she had a whole one and then just as i was about to sleep started talking to all these people she saw on the bed with us!!!!
No more pills for you love. She gets rationed to only a half now.
Well, i;m off to wash my bits now, then to camden for a few drinky poo's with my mates. mmmm, i love sundays!!
I just realised, I fucked up, my sister got those pills AFTER her pregnancy - otherwise my niece would have been well fucked up. On the other hand, looking at her behaviour it does not seem so unlikely!

Well, i;m off to wash my bits now, then to camden for a few drinky poo's with my mates. mmmm, i love sundays!!

I just realised, I fucked up, my sister got those pills AFTER her pregnancy - otherwise my niece would have been well fucked up. On the other hand, looking at her behaviour it does not seem so unlikely!
How'd yesterday end up? I stayed home all day, read, relaxed, plotted the overthrow of Western Society.... the things I do when I'm not drinking.
Smiling happy bunny man! Where do you find toilet seats that don't stay up!?! Do tell me about the WWII aeroplanes. How did you become interested to begin with? Do you just read or do you collect models or maybe make some? I've a friend in Scotland who said he never learned anything about Hitler except mainly that he was evil.... That makes sense considering what he put you Brits through. Over yonder though, (and this may just have been because my classes were for "gifted" students and so we did more thinking than memorizing) we learned about his occult leanings and how he came to power as a unifying and uplifting force for the German people after WWI. No, that really has nothing to do with the blitzkrieg, my mind just works that way - linking disparate ideas and concepts. Like this: I thought that maybe if you've got an interest in the WWII aeroplanes, then perhaps you've got a general interest in the history of the war itself and how it came to be and so I babbled on about good old Adolf. He may have had his good points, but if A. O. Spare wouldn't paint him - there's a good reason to steer clear! Ok, now I've stepped into the muck of magick and occult societies and so on.... If you like, you can just tell me about planes! ;o) I'll shut up now.