Back from holiday. Did not get much rest with the kiddies waking up at 530 in the bloody morning... Not my kiddies, but my sisters'. I love them to bits but the experience put me off having kids for good!
*runs off to tie a knot in his prick*
Went to the worlds end on sunday and saw some sg members. Cant remember most of the names, was nice finally meeting KInto, with whom i've been chatting for more than a year without meeting once! Will try to attend more meets, its just a bit nerve-wrecking when you dont know anybody!
*runs off to tie a knot in his prick*
Went to the worlds end on sunday and saw some sg members. Cant remember most of the names, was nice finally meeting KInto, with whom i've been chatting for more than a year without meeting once! Will try to attend more meets, its just a bit nerve-wrecking when you dont know anybody!
A nice suprise to see you on Sunday mate, glad you got a chance to meet a few of the peeps. We'll have to drag you down the Ship next 

smaller? strewth, that place must be like my airing cupboard