I got my new tattoo last monday, courtesy of my lovely lady!
I'm too thick to insert a picture, but go and have a look in my pictures if you can be arsed. I was house bitch again today and cleaned my humble abode, because it started to resemble a pig sty.
I'm going home on the 27th for two weeks, am quite looking forward to it, since I havent been there in two years. The only downside is that i wont see my lady friend for more than a month. Which sucks big time. But nevermind...
I went to buy my niece some Barbie knickers today. Felt like such an old perv standing in the kiddies section looking at all the little girls' knickers. And since I dont really look the parental type, people were looking at me a bit funny. I felt 13 again trying to buy a porn mag at the local newsagent!
I hope my sister bloody well appreciate it!!

I'm going home on the 27th for two weeks, am quite looking forward to it, since I havent been there in two years. The only downside is that i wont see my lady friend for more than a month. Which sucks big time. But nevermind...

I went to buy my niece some Barbie knickers today. Felt like such an old perv standing in the kiddies section looking at all the little girls' knickers. And since I dont really look the parental type, people were looking at me a bit funny. I felt 13 again trying to buy a porn mag at the local newsagent!

your tattoos really ace im looking to exspand on mine but im not sure how yet