Three dogs are sitting in the vet's waiting room. Stop me if you've heard this. A doberman, an alsation and a foxterrier. The doberman turns to the alsation who's miserable as fuck and asks him:"what are you in for?" alsation:"i'm here to be put down" doberman:"why?"
alsation:"i've got this problem, i piss everywhere, on the carpet, on the couches, in the kitchen, i fucking piss everywhere, and my owner got fed up when i pissed in the fishbowl, so this is it for me" "thats a shame "said the doberman and turned to the foxterrier who also looks very miserable, "and you" he asks. ", i've got this problem, i shit everywhere, on the carpet, in the kithchen, on the couches, even in the cat's basket, and now my owner's had enough and decided to put me down" said the foxterrier. "and you" asks the foxterrier to the doberman. "I've got this little problem as well, I hump things, i hump the bed, the couch the fridge, i bloody hump everything. The other day when my owner's wife came out of the shower, she bent over to pick up her towel, and there i was, i took her from behind and humped her good." replied the doberman. "shit" said the foxterrier, "Lethal injection for you as well then?" "Hell no" replied the doberman, "I'm here to get me nails trimmed!!"
I do love animal jokes.
alsation:"i've got this problem, i piss everywhere, on the carpet, on the couches, in the kitchen, i fucking piss everywhere, and my owner got fed up when i pissed in the fishbowl, so this is it for me" "thats a shame "said the doberman and turned to the foxterrier who also looks very miserable, "and you" he asks. ", i've got this problem, i shit everywhere, on the carpet, in the kithchen, on the couches, even in the cat's basket, and now my owner's had enough and decided to put me down" said the foxterrier. "and you" asks the foxterrier to the doberman. "I've got this little problem as well, I hump things, i hump the bed, the couch the fridge, i bloody hump everything. The other day when my owner's wife came out of the shower, she bent over to pick up her towel, and there i was, i took her from behind and humped her good." replied the doberman. "shit" said the foxterrier, "Lethal injection for you as well then?" "Hell no" replied the doberman, "I'm here to get me nails trimmed!!"

I do love animal jokes.

Ah, the old girlfriend defence. I'll let you off this time. I can understand why she wouldn't be totally cool with yr participation.

Well, even if your plan went awry, you still had an eventful weekend with lots of booze, bunking work and a trip to brighton. Pity about the hangover though