Ooooorrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so hungover. Looks like Rammstein wont be happening tonight as Royal Crap Mail failed to delivered my good ladies' ticket. And since i'm such a nice person I offered her mine since i've seen them before.
Where is that Nobel prize!!??
I cant be arsed to go out so I'll stay in and cuddle my hangover with a bottle of white wine....
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I cant be arsed to go out so I'll stay in and cuddle my hangover with a bottle of white wine....
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Woah, you're a better man than I, it sucks that she never got her ticket in the end. I was too lazy to buy one quick myself, so I've only got myself to blame for not seeing them.
Oi oi! Recovered from your hangover yet, or added to it perhaps? Anyhows, me and the missus are at the Head this weekend if you're around that way.
Why o God why are you punishing me with 2 shit days at work on the trot!!!?? I've been a good boy- relatively, I mean. I've not picked my nose and wiped it on annnoying people's sofas, i've not farted and blamed it on the dog, i've not coveted my neighbours wife, i've not nicked pick and mix from sainsburys or had a nibble on...
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better having t 2 shit days of work than 2 shit days of looking for work with no luck
. but it could be picking at your bum that might have done it though. or sneezing without saying; bless me. or even swating a spider with a big boot cause it was in the bath when you need to have a shower or bath

cooties are the little nits that live on boys. i'm sure girls have cooties too.... when you're in grade school at least! ok! i looked up the very word cootie: Pronunciation: 'k-tE
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps modification of Malay kutu
Date: 1917
so there you have it! the glory of the cootie.
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps modification of Malay kutu
Date: 1917
so there you have it! the glory of the cootie.
Sunday again - Was quite a good weekend, went to a gig last night. Behemoth. Which was shite! Nevermind, it was good just to go and socialise with my friends. Put my foot in it again though! There was this ginger twat who tried to chat up my gf last weekend - and when i saw him I said to my friend "hey there's that...
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First race is Melbourne, 6th of March
How'd yesterday end up? I stayed home all day, read, relaxed, plotted the overthrow of Western Society.... the things I do when I'm not drinking.
How'd yesterday end up? I stayed home all day, read, relaxed, plotted the overthrow of Western Society.... the things I do when I'm not drinking.
Ok mean miserable goth man.... Yes, that's my IQ - at least when tested at sixteen. I hear it doesn't change with age - So I'm going to stick with that. I just got silly with the "stats" deal, but I've not listed anything in my profile that is untrue - even though I might lean toward the sarcastic from time to time.
Smiling happy bunny man! Where do you find toilet seats that don't stay up!?! Do tell me about the WWII aeroplanes. How did you become interested to begin with? Do you just read or do you collect models or maybe make some? I've a friend in Scotland who said he never learned anything about Hitler except mainly that he was evil.... That makes sense considering what he put you Brits through. Over yonder though, (and this may just have been because my classes were for "gifted" students and so we did more thinking than memorizing) we learned about his occult leanings and how he came to power as a unifying and uplifting force for the German people after WWI. No, that really has nothing to do with the blitzkrieg, my mind just works that way - linking disparate ideas and concepts. Like this: I thought that maybe if you've got an interest in the WWII aeroplanes, then perhaps you've got a general interest in the history of the war itself and how it came to be and so I babbled on about good old Adolf. He may have had his good points, but if A. O. Spare wouldn't paint him - there's a good reason to steer clear! Ok, now I've stepped into the muck of magick and occult societies and so on.... If you like, you can just tell me about planes! ;o) I'll shut up now.
Smiling happy bunny man! Where do you find toilet seats that don't stay up!?! Do tell me about the WWII aeroplanes. How did you become interested to begin with? Do you just read or do you collect models or maybe make some? I've a friend in Scotland who said he never learned anything about Hitler except mainly that he was evil.... That makes sense considering what he put you Brits through. Over yonder though, (and this may just have been because my classes were for "gifted" students and so we did more thinking than memorizing) we learned about his occult leanings and how he came to power as a unifying and uplifting force for the German people after WWI. No, that really has nothing to do with the blitzkrieg, my mind just works that way - linking disparate ideas and concepts. Like this: I thought that maybe if you've got an interest in the WWII aeroplanes, then perhaps you've got a general interest in the history of the war itself and how it came to be and so I babbled on about good old Adolf. He may have had his good points, but if A. O. Spare wouldn't paint him - there's a good reason to steer clear! Ok, now I've stepped into the muck of magick and occult societies and so on.... If you like, you can just tell me about planes! ;o) I'll shut up now.
God, Im so shit at updating. Well i'm updating now. .....
Ummmmmm ermmmmm
Nothing to see here, move along...
Maybe later.
Ummmmmm ermmmmm
Nothing to see here, move along...

Maybe later.

Cyber Knicker Thieving - That does have a charm to it.... Now, if you're going to play naughty, you might just find your lovely new boots have gone missing! Or perhaps I'll sneak into your room as you sleep and.... No. I'll stick to boots for now. And no, I don't get a choice and neither do you!
Now I get to ask a question - When you're drunk, what question are you most likely to ask repeatedly and to whom?
Now I get to ask a question - When you're drunk, what question are you most likely to ask repeatedly and to whom?
about the balls.. i dunno. i trust her. weird. as long as she has a steady hand....
Been pretty busy since new years, working hard etc. Stopped drinking in the week which was really hard at first think i'm a borderline alcoholic!
Well it's going ok now, got loads more energy in the mornings - I got so used to feeling shit that I did'nt really notice it anymore. Not good.
No more news really.

No more news really.
is it possible to stalk a person who is stalking you??? hum. a brain teaser.
ok, a mutual stalking it is!
ok, a mutual stalking it is!
Yep, had to give my liver a rest for a while, will be out drinking for a friends birthday this weekend though!
Christmas was cool, got loads of nice prezzies, ate like a pig and fell asleep on the floor (like the dirty tramp that i am!) in front of the telly.
My tree still has'nt started shedding leaves yet - I can hear a sigh of relief from the "christmas tree fores"t lady and some KY being put back in the drawer!
Quite looking forward to...
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My tree still has'nt started shedding leaves yet - I can hear a sigh of relief from the "christmas tree fores"t lady and some KY being put back in the drawer!

Quite looking forward to...
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i'm not sure if it was all alcohol that you were on... or was that just me...
see ya soon. maybe a slimelight session some weekend...

see ya soon. maybe a slimelight session some weekend...
Ey oop lad, how you been doing, have a good time at the Head?
Christmas is near and I will be spending it with my lovely ladyfriend.(Aosoth!)
It will undoubtedly be the best christmas in ages. Last year just before christmas I broke up with my then girlfriend (3.5 years!) and I was miserable as fuck. As those who read my entries will remember. Felt very sorry for myself and just wished the whole bloody happy shite season of...
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Boozing in Mill Hill with family and old friends. Back to normal on Monday. Have a good chrimbo matey

Hee hee, I know I looked like a miserable sod on that photo, I always look kind of gross on those ID photos. It was to make you guys laugh, really.
I'm glad you're doing so well! Yay to being festive and everything, even if too much xmas related-stuff can get slightly nauseating in the end. Merry holy daze to you and Aosoth.
p.s.: I just noticed you like corrosion of conformity too! yay!
[Edited on Dec 27, 2004 10:53AM]
I'm glad you're doing so well! Yay to being festive and everything, even if too much xmas related-stuff can get slightly nauseating in the end. Merry holy daze to you and Aosoth.

p.s.: I just noticed you like corrosion of conformity too! yay!
[Edited on Dec 27, 2004 10:53AM]
Boy what a busy day. I took my girlfriend to stansted this morning, got back home at 11 - traffic was just manic, it took me 3 hours from stansted back to south london. And I had a HUGE hangover. We had a bit of a celebration last night which turned out a bit disastrous - well I wont bore you with the details, but...
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blimey, what did you take?
we were wondering where you were, you goths look all the same, dammit!
hope you got home alright then?
cool, let me know

hope you got home alright then?
cool, let me know

sounds fun, i check with ash and come back to you!
how do you get tickets? on the night at the door?

I'm calm now. Off to celebrate.
Speak soon - no doubt with a huge hangover to boot.!

Speak soon - no doubt with a huge hangover to boot.!

Re-read my last journal entry, I've updated it.
Sent you an email.
[Edited on Dec 12, 2004 5:27AM]
Sent you an email.
[Edited on Dec 12, 2004 5:27AM]
What you get upto at the weekend then guv?