So I'm trying to get my passport so that I can go down to the States. Well, apparantly the documents I had are no good at proving my Canadian citizenship so I had to re-apply for citizenship (even though I already have a citizenship certificate), notorize a bunch of documents, talk to an immigration lawyer and pay a crapload of money. I went from $490.00 to $0.36 in my bank account doing this today. Luckily, I can still afford to go (sort of) because I have been hoarding money away for something like this and I still have all of it. But the people at Passport Canada are bastards. Total and utter bastards. Not that the Americans are any better with this stuff, but really, I have so much identification it's ridiculous that just because I wasn't born in Canada I have to go through all this garbage. Oh well, at least I can pick up my travel documents on Monday. I was really scared that I wasn't going to be able to go and I've been looking forward to this trip so much. Now at least I can relax a bit providing everything is ok on Monday when I pick up my travel document. I won't get my actual passport for later, but this is good enough proof of who I am for the American border. What a day!
wow that sounds like a mess! Well i hope you have fun in America!