new start...
no more records in the house, all in the garage...
dont have to trip over shit anymore...
hardwood floors....fireplace....burgandy walls....
lots of candles...
new start...
hookin up with the pirates tomorrow...
honey brown...
dukes up...
liliquoi moon...
mmmm....liliquoi moon...
no more dating actresses or models...
why did he paint only one of the irises white?
he was lonely...
no more records in the house, all in the garage...
dont have to trip over shit anymore...
hardwood floors....fireplace....burgandy walls....
lots of candles...
new start...
hookin up with the pirates tomorrow...
honey brown...
dukes up...
liliquoi moon...
mmmm....liliquoi moon...
no more dating actresses or models...
why did he paint only one of the irises white?
he was lonely...