Don't ask me.... I don't even know what I'm doing!
Hopefully I'll be shooting a new set with Rachel Stephens at the beginning of March (hopefully! yayay! bout damn time I had another set)

^^^Long story short, we stoped at Momma Conkins for a few weeks (WY) while driving cross. WELL, one night Charles ex came over to visit Donna (Momma Conkin). Very sweet girl, but it was hard, and I didn't want to be standoffish so...I DRANK! and i drank.. I don't know how many dirty martinis and cosmos I had, just enough it would appear, because her and I were hugging by the end of the night (= happy endings!
I have soooo much to share tonight: lostatonsa pics.....where to start.... well, I guess oldest first. Here are some pics of a beautifull factory in Oregon (don't remember where exactly) I checked out on my road trip to Portland!

This was one of my favorate rooms:

Because I found these and reems of blue-prints I took home:

I want to go back in summer, Charles and I are working on an idea for a short zombie film to make out there on a few day campout!
OK, so what's next....hmmm, well here are some very,very very old drawings I found in some sketchbooks my Mother gave to me last week (now that I have moved back I get all my crap I left at their house oh so long ago)

Not very good, but I find it quite amuzing to go back through things such as that, a good laugh and a smile.
Next on the agenda, pics of my new home! (OK here's a warning, the place is rather ugly. Everything is in this old 70's brown vomit - doors, rugs, cabinets, etc. ...BUT I love it here - the rent is cheeeeep and it is in a lovely neighborhood, and (BEST PART) I can afford a whole room for screenprinting! Thusly:

This is my studio room (soon to look a WHOLE lot different, it's a bit bigger than it seems here:

*whew* that was a lot of photo posting!
Life is going well, I get paid soon and I can put almost my entire check towards my studio: equiptment, inks, yay!
Also, I found a volunteer opportunity with the Print Arts Northwest gallery at the end of February. It will be so so nice to be involved in the arts again, even if for a moment. I love helping fellow artists, and preparing a space is vital. Hopefully volunteer work like this will help show the arts community here that I am skillled and a hard worker, and will further my opportunities.
Plus I've been working on a journal for the script Charles, AJ and I are still in the process of re-editing (Ghost Fire). I have such high hopes for this script. I have been writing sooo much lately. Hopefully the entries will help as a framework to move the story along, so we can completely break from the cronological monotony it is stuck in now. I write as if the female lead in the story (her name too, and actually before me, is Adaline) She is 80 or so, but in a perpetual youth, alone and forever pushing onwards. Here is an exerpt: (spelled that wrong, too lazy tonight to fix it):
"Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes play on"
Morning light. Pale crystals drifting, falling, cutting softly as they nestle. Steam and shine.
Blue resonates the air - limps and licks all about - exposing the age, the fray, of these gloves.
As I write, I wait for them to fracture along creases and flake to flight
- to find commune with angel snow.
No, eternal gazing will never bare witness to such release, so these eyes retreat from such gleaming in lonesome fear of their fire icing away.
One would think that is why I am numb..."
Sigh. I am rejuvinated! Time to drink some tea, write some more, and dream of things to come....
Thank you for sharing these trifle things with me.
xoxoxo Addy


Don't ask me.... I don't even know what I'm doing!
Hopefully I'll be shooting a new set with Rachel Stephens at the beginning of March (hopefully! yayay! bout damn time I had another set)

^^^Long story short, we stoped at Momma Conkins for a few weeks (WY) while driving cross. WELL, one night Charles ex came over to visit Donna (Momma Conkin). Very sweet girl, but it was hard, and I didn't want to be standoffish so...I DRANK! and i drank.. I don't know how many dirty martinis and cosmos I had, just enough it would appear, because her and I were hugging by the end of the night (= happy endings!
I have soooo much to share tonight: lostatonsa pics.....where to start.... well, I guess oldest first. Here are some pics of a beautifull factory in Oregon (don't remember where exactly) I checked out on my road trip to Portland!

This was one of my favorate rooms:

Because I found these and reems of blue-prints I took home:

I want to go back in summer, Charles and I are working on an idea for a short zombie film to make out there on a few day campout!
OK, so what's next....hmmm, well here are some very,very very old drawings I found in some sketchbooks my Mother gave to me last week (now that I have moved back I get all my crap I left at their house oh so long ago)

Not very good, but I find it quite amuzing to go back through things such as that, a good laugh and a smile.
Next on the agenda, pics of my new home! (OK here's a warning, the place is rather ugly. Everything is in this old 70's brown vomit - doors, rugs, cabinets, etc. ...BUT I love it here - the rent is cheeeeep and it is in a lovely neighborhood, and (BEST PART) I can afford a whole room for screenprinting! Thusly:

This is my studio room (soon to look a WHOLE lot different, it's a bit bigger than it seems here:

*whew* that was a lot of photo posting!
Life is going well, I get paid soon and I can put almost my entire check towards my studio: equiptment, inks, yay!
Also, I found a volunteer opportunity with the Print Arts Northwest gallery at the end of February. It will be so so nice to be involved in the arts again, even if for a moment. I love helping fellow artists, and preparing a space is vital. Hopefully volunteer work like this will help show the arts community here that I am skillled and a hard worker, and will further my opportunities.
Plus I've been working on a journal for the script Charles, AJ and I are still in the process of re-editing (Ghost Fire). I have such high hopes for this script. I have been writing sooo much lately. Hopefully the entries will help as a framework to move the story along, so we can completely break from the cronological monotony it is stuck in now. I write as if the female lead in the story (her name too, and actually before me, is Adaline) She is 80 or so, but in a perpetual youth, alone and forever pushing onwards. Here is an exerpt: (spelled that wrong, too lazy tonight to fix it):
"Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes play on"
Morning light. Pale crystals drifting, falling, cutting softly as they nestle. Steam and shine.
Blue resonates the air - limps and licks all about - exposing the age, the fray, of these gloves.
As I write, I wait for them to fracture along creases and flake to flight
- to find commune with angel snow.
No, eternal gazing will never bare witness to such release, so these eyes retreat from such gleaming in lonesome fear of their fire icing away.
One would think that is why I am numb..."
Sigh. I am rejuvinated! Time to drink some tea, write some more, and dream of things to come....
Thank you for sharing these trifle things with me.
xoxoxo Addy
Happy Easter, Adaline!