Hey everyone, it's been a while since I updated... school just started for me (yes, another plunge into insanity).
Here's a two year old painting
I bought five gallons of PVA Glue, it's for bookbinding, today. After being hopelessly lost for an hour in an abandoned (absolutely beautiful) industrial area, and 114 bucks poorer, I have half of what I need to start my next sculpture/painting/thing. Next I need to find powdered food grade preservatives to make sure the layers don't mould (which happened with my last piece). Does anyone know where I could find this???
Shit, I have so much work to do tonight, I have two designs due in my Offset Productions class, and I'm sittin here fucking with the computer. Oh well. Gonna post pics of my work tomorrow or the next day, so if you want to see the crap I spend every inch of my energy creating, check back in.
Love you all
Oh, and here's the inspiration for all of my work, in film, paint, sculpture, and printmaking:

Here's a two year old painting

I bought five gallons of PVA Glue, it's for bookbinding, today. After being hopelessly lost for an hour in an abandoned (absolutely beautiful) industrial area, and 114 bucks poorer, I have half of what I need to start my next sculpture/painting/thing. Next I need to find powdered food grade preservatives to make sure the layers don't mould (which happened with my last piece). Does anyone know where I could find this???
Shit, I have so much work to do tonight, I have two designs due in my Offset Productions class, and I'm sittin here fucking with the computer. Oh well. Gonna post pics of my work tomorrow or the next day, so if you want to see the crap I spend every inch of my energy creating, check back in.
Love you all

Oh, and here's the inspiration for all of my work, in film, paint, sculpture, and printmaking: