Things have been pretty exciting at the shop lately. My mentors just got back from a week vacation on the beach, and it's been great since then. They're happy to be at work, and Theresa is willing to spend extra time with me to speed up my teaching a bit. I honestly couldn't ask for a better shop to apprentice in. Everyone is so supportive, not just with tattooing, but with everything. One of the artists is trying to get me in touch with a photographer he knows to set up a shoot. And I mentioned a shoot coming up where more piercings would be beneficial, so within the hour I had my labret done. People don't back stab each other here or put each other down. We're like the kind of family you actually want to be a part of.
Besides that, I'm basically a dork. I'm super excited because the next time they place an order, I get my dettol and green soap bottles. It may seem silly, but to me that makes be one step closer to having a full setup. My next steps, though, are going to be big ones. Thankfully I work with a total machine master, so he told me to buy cheap machines with good frames, and he can trick them out for me, but even a cheap machine is a little pricy when you're not getting paid. And ink is really expensive too. The best deal you can get is to but starter or sample kits, which are roughly $1.00 cheaper per bottle than the individuals. The problem is the smallest starter Eternal has out right now is $90. I might try to get a loan to buy my tattoo setup because all of these things may seem little, but they add up really quickly when you have to get them all before you can make any money. I'm a master at dealing though, so we'll see what I can pull off!
Speaking of deals, J was completely against me shaving my head and wearing wigs again, despite how awesome it would be. But my hair is fried from all of this dyeing, so we found a compromise. I'm going to get u tip extensions and ombre them blue, and dye the top to match my natural hair color, which my own hair will return to. Awesome length and no more damaging dye for me. Everyone wins! I can't wait to get going on it.
Oh, and did I mention my prize? When I finish my apprenticeship, J says he'll take me to South Florida and we'll get my ears elfed! I've wanted it since I was a little kid, so basically it'll be the best win ever. I get to tattoo, make money doing something I love, and as a reward for that, I get the body mod I've dreamt of. It's kind of awesome.
I've got a busy next few days coming up. Shoots Friday and Sunday, plus I've been staying later at the shop. And we've got a roommate moving in with us soon so I've got to finish getting his room together and see about maybe fixing the stove. So much to do!
As always, I hope all is well with everyone here. <3
Oh, my Facebook has a pitiful amount of likes. If anyone wants to check it out, I won't complain!