I got sick of seeing that mopey blog and decided on something new! Of course, I always get in the mood for this when I have to jet out the door soon!
So first off:
I am going white-water rafting this weekend and I leave tonight. It should be exciting- Jim's family does it every year. They are also going bungee jumping. Not my bag. The idea of a giant elastic band tied to my angles while I plunge head first towards the ground, is not my idea of a good time. Apparently bouncing over rapids in a rubber dingy is cool though. I'm going to bring my waterproof camera, so hopefully, I can get some good photos of the experience, and post them here sometime this weekend.
Second I stoked that this:
has been made into a movie!
They were my favorite books when I was little and it's fun to see them made into a movie.
I am off now to pack, get ready for work (I leave right after) and tie up the few loose ends I have left here before I go! A longer, better blog is just around the corner!
So first off:
I am going white-water rafting this weekend and I leave tonight. It should be exciting- Jim's family does it every year. They are also going bungee jumping. Not my bag. The idea of a giant elastic band tied to my angles while I plunge head first towards the ground, is not my idea of a good time. Apparently bouncing over rapids in a rubber dingy is cool though. I'm going to bring my waterproof camera, so hopefully, I can get some good photos of the experience, and post them here sometime this weekend.
Second I stoked that this:

has been made into a movie!
They were my favorite books when I was little and it's fun to see them made into a movie.
I am off now to pack, get ready for work (I leave right after) and tie up the few loose ends I have left here before I go! A longer, better blog is just around the corner!
You know I saw the trailers on TV and just seeing the girl's HAIRCUT I *knew* it was Ramona. Isn't that insane? I remember reading those books in like SECOND GRADE!!!! Thank god I still have my long-term memory in tact (if my short term isn't doing so hot).
Hope you are having a blast.