I'm sick
Which totally sucks because I was supposed to either go to a party tomorrow- or more likely- go see Watchmen with my man and join up with friends for another party after. Now I doubt I'm really going to feel like either.
In up news (not my news but still good news)
My little sister- who for anyone who has been friends with me from almost my beginning here (Lycoris, Northern, Cottser and BrightRedScream- I'm looking at you) had kind of a rough point in her life. She got married really early, and had a baby- really early.
The awesome news? Her and her husband just bought their first house together. It's a cute little house too- and I'm totally jealous!
Other great news- in a time where the economy totally sucks- my boyfriend has managed to find a job at a local nursing home (he is a personal support worker)
Hopefully someone's good luck rubs off on me too!

Which totally sucks because I was supposed to either go to a party tomorrow- or more likely- go see Watchmen with my man and join up with friends for another party after. Now I doubt I'm really going to feel like either.
In up news (not my news but still good news)
My little sister- who for anyone who has been friends with me from almost my beginning here (Lycoris, Northern, Cottser and BrightRedScream- I'm looking at you) had kind of a rough point in her life. She got married really early, and had a baby- really early.
The awesome news? Her and her husband just bought their first house together. It's a cute little house too- and I'm totally jealous!
Other great news- in a time where the economy totally sucks- my boyfriend has managed to find a job at a local nursing home (he is a personal support worker)
Hopefully someone's good luck rubs off on me too!
Hope you're feeling better hun. Did you get to see Watchmen?
I'm glad that things seem to be working out well for your sister.
I'm surprised, I guess. Just seemed like the odds were against her.
How's your other sister doing?
And I'm really glad that your boyfriend found a job.
I've been meaning to ask about that. I remember he was taking the PSW course, but then you never mentioned it again.
How's your job going?