Holy crap- I did not realize that I had not made a journal entry in so long!
So the job is going well, I feel like I am finally getting my footing there and am getting better. We had some upgrades to the system we use to make all the newspapers, which makes my life, way easier.
I have the hang of standard car driving now, and it's official- I am never going back to an automatic if I can avoid it.
The best thing ever, which may sound stupid- I am back at the gym! I have to go easy on myself though- as a result of breaking my ankle back in march, I now have Osteoarthritis in my ankle. Any day that it's cold and damp, I am in some serious pain and it sucks. On the upside, I am able to swim to excersize it and do some light work on the eliptical trainer. I can't skate anymore though, and popping into pointe shoes ever again just isn't a possibility- and neither is a sprint, but hey, at least I'm up to something right?
Took my Dad to a hockey game yesterday to see the Toronto Maple Leafs (his fav team). I don't think I've ever seen my Dad so happy. First of all we had seats only 31 rows up from the ice directly behind the goal, which my Dad did not expect. I know it sounds silly, but I think my favorite part of the night was when I took my Dad out for dinner and he tried Tiramisu for the first time ever. My dad used to be diabetic, and four years ago, had a pancreas transplant, so he's not diabetic anymore. He told me how his boss used to bring it in and he couldn't even try it because of being diabetic. Seeing his reaction the first time he ever tried this dessert was one of the best parts of the evening. Not bad for a fiftieeth birthday present eh?
Even though I haven't updated my journal, I've still been on the site- but it has been about three weeks. Holy crap have I ever missed a lot of great sets- I'm off to paruse them now!
So the job is going well, I feel like I am finally getting my footing there and am getting better. We had some upgrades to the system we use to make all the newspapers, which makes my life, way easier.
I have the hang of standard car driving now, and it's official- I am never going back to an automatic if I can avoid it.
The best thing ever, which may sound stupid- I am back at the gym! I have to go easy on myself though- as a result of breaking my ankle back in march, I now have Osteoarthritis in my ankle. Any day that it's cold and damp, I am in some serious pain and it sucks. On the upside, I am able to swim to excersize it and do some light work on the eliptical trainer. I can't skate anymore though, and popping into pointe shoes ever again just isn't a possibility- and neither is a sprint, but hey, at least I'm up to something right?
Took my Dad to a hockey game yesterday to see the Toronto Maple Leafs (his fav team). I don't think I've ever seen my Dad so happy. First of all we had seats only 31 rows up from the ice directly behind the goal, which my Dad did not expect. I know it sounds silly, but I think my favorite part of the night was when I took my Dad out for dinner and he tried Tiramisu for the first time ever. My dad used to be diabetic, and four years ago, had a pancreas transplant, so he's not diabetic anymore. He told me how his boss used to bring it in and he couldn't even try it because of being diabetic. Seeing his reaction the first time he ever tried this dessert was one of the best parts of the evening. Not bad for a fiftieeth birthday present eh?
Even though I haven't updated my journal, I've still been on the site- but it has been about three weeks. Holy crap have I ever missed a lot of great sets- I'm off to paruse them now!

I don't think PMs are working right now, so in reply to your last message: Sleepy all the time! So, normal.