Okay this is a little late- I've been busy.
I got in an argument with someone about JK Rowling outing Dumbledore. She said that it was "inappropriate" for a kid's book, and further more that authors have no right to include that as a theme.
Yeah but its not really you decision or the authors decision to say well hey i think kids should know about homosexuality so im going to hint at it in this book.
And Its not a mater of a kid being ignorant if you asked a physcologist's they would say the same thing this stuff just shouldent be in a kids book.
Kids need to be kids and worried about kid things.
Thats why children are running around having sex and they are putting 11 yearolds on birth controle...
Because we make them think about sexuality way before they should be worried about it.
Seriously! My response;
Wow, what an incredibly close minded and uneducated statement.
For years psychologists have encouraged parents to openly discuss sex and sexuality with their children when their children express curiosity about it. Lack of discussion and knowledge is what leads to experimentation- when a parents refuses to knowledge that side of their child, they are psychologically damaging them.
A kid will eventually experiment no matter what, but if their parents have discussed sex and sexuality frankly with them, at least the kid will have the tools to make the right decisions, they may not always make the right decisions, but the knowledge to do so is there.
Parents who ignore their children's curiosity are often the parents of children who experiment without education and get in to trouble.
When a child asks a question about something sexual- like "what is gay?" a parent should, and it's been reported by many psychologists, take the opportunity to answer the child's question, at their current developmental level.
I don't think I was out of line at all, yet tons of people seemed to agree with this girl. I know that when I have kids I'm going to be honest as I can, what's wrong with that? I had people absolutely ripping on my parenting abilities!
On another, completely unrelated note.
I think this may be like, one of the hottest photos of me ever (idiot vanity moment)
Just wanted to say that I love your profile pic.