"I haven't been around here much lately." I never thought I would end up being the one posting that, but here I am doing it. So what have I been up to for eight months? Well I have been here, but I have mainly zipped in for a few clicks around and then left. It's... Read More
Well, it's been awhile, I seem to only manage on average one update a month, but I guess that is okay.
It is actually almost one year to the day that I lost my job as a graphic designer, but you know what? I am now happy I did. School is going great, and I feel like, I fit again. I miss graphic design a... Read More
Mad Men is awesome, but I'm definitely going to pass on Glee
The photo you posted! I definitely remember her, but blanking on her name. Is the vintage set thing a thing, or just something you decided to do?
Let me know how you like the Kindle. I've eyed them before, but basically came to the conclusion that since I get the majority of my books from the library these days, it wouldn't be very beneficial
I got sick of seeing that mopey blog and decided on something new! Of course, I always get in the mood for this when I have to jet out the door soon!
So first off:
I am going white-water rafting this weekend and I leave tonight. It should be exciting- Jim's family does it every year. They are also going bungee jumping. Not my bag.... Read More
OMG, I am not the only one that remembers reading about Ramona Quimby. LOLOLOL.
You know I saw the trailers on TV and just seeing the girl's HAIRCUT I *knew* it was Ramona. Isn't that insane? I remember reading those books in like SECOND GRADE!!!! Thank god I still have my long-term memory in tact (if my short term isn't doing so hot).
So, I didn't sit down originally to write a blog like this, but that's just how the day seems to be going...
First off I hate writing complainy "my life sucks" kind of blogs. If this comes across that way... I'm sorry. The whole thing won't be like this, I promise. And if you want to skip this part, well...
I'm glad I gave good advice. I hope you manage to resolve the conflict between them.
I don't have fish and chips often, if only because it's expensive. But it's yummy.
I saw the Tik Tok version of The Simpsons opening when it ran on tv. I thought it was very cool. I don't care how many people like to criticize Kesha - I really like that song.
I was never a huge cheeseaholic, and I actually gave up dairy products before I gave up meat. I've been hearing a lot about this new vegan cheese called Daiya, but I haven't been able to get my hands on it yet, it's apparently quite good. With vegan cheese, the hardest part is getting it to taste good *and* melt, and apparently Daiya does both. The best tasting vegan cheese I've had is called Sheese, but it doesn't melt very well.
If you look through my Food album on here and see anything that looks interesting, I'd be more than happy to provide the recipe! Lately my diet seems to consist mainly of salad, smoothies, and soup. The three Ss! This also reminds me that I need to post my backlog of food pictures here on SG.
So today was the day I got to pick my courses for school. I drove up so that I could participate in an Academic Advising workshop and make sure I did everything right. I'm glad I did. Two of the courses I wanted to register for, I couldn't because technically, I'd be taking the pre-req at the same time as the courses- which you need... Read More
One update a month feels like it's not enough, but I never want a super boring blog. So...
First thing's first- thanks for the Birthday well-wishes, and hugs My little sister's birthday is just around the corner- in fact, tomorrow! I didn't really celebrate mine- this happens every year, we wait until my sister's b-day and celebrate both at the same time- we may as... Read More
This weekend was the Suicide Girls Gala- so first and foremost, a massive thank-you goes out to AandP and radiofrank for their hard work co-coordinating this thang! I got to meet some kick ass people in person for the first time- and spend time with people I rarely get to see- best year to date! For anyone... Read More
I feel like I never update this thing enough, but I guess it's because I want to fill it with lots of good stuff, and some pictures, rather than every little thing (that's what twitter is for).
First thing's first, I hope everyone had a fabulous long weekend.
So this time, there is no painting update only because the changes I made are so... Read More
Thank you so much for the comment, it was very sweet
I'm glad you like the natural look, i was worried too many people on this site are looking for heavy makeup and big hair, haha, and i have no clue how to do those kinds of things!
Thank you again