Howdy there Sgland! It’s been a hot minute! So, what’s your confidence boosting secret weapon?
I 100% have to say that my tattoos are my confidence boosting secret weapon(s). Any opportunity I have to show them, I do it. Displaying them at any chance, I automatically feel beautiful and confident. I feel untouchable and it puts a pep in my step. Having a permanent confidence booster on my skin is just top tier lol
Now let me be clear, I don’t get tattoos to feel/look confident-That’s just a secondhand affect, the best secondhand affect really.
My tattoos help me on the days when the self confidence meter is down. I just find an outfit that showcases my arm sleeve or collarbones(my fav tattoos), throw on some fantastic makeup and feel better…maybe throw in some selfie taking lol.
The wonders of what tattoos can do. That’s my confidence not-so-secret weapon. What’s yours? :)