Happy almost Friday, everyone. Ive been slacking on hw. (I'm sowweeey) my life has been getting filled with adventures and work lol
Let's get to the question: "What album should everyone listen to at least once?" This is a very difficult question, because many people probably wouldn't like my taste in music >.< but what the hell, maybe some will.
The album everyone should listen to at least once is "Intrinsic" By The Contortionist. This album hit me in the soul when I heard it...LIVE. I didn't know who they were. And I was gravitated by them. Since then, my lady and myself became friend with one of the guitarists.
If you like space, science, AWESOME harsh vocals, a spacey/ambient sense of feeling, SICK guitar riffs, blast beats, and overall progressive metal, THIS. IS FOR. YOU.
This is Holomovement, the first track of the album. (One of my top favorite songs by them.)
Tell me what you guys think:)
Thanks @missy @rambo for the cool hw idea. Later ladiezzz🙂