Fuck--this dial-up shit is SLOW!! I haven't abandoned the world of SG-- my DSL has been broken. It's going to be a few more weeks before it's working again, apparantly, so I probably won't be terribly active for a little while longer. But as soon as I'm reconnected I'll resume my 10 hours a day of Sg surfing and bore you all with the mundane details of my life. Speaking of which, I almost got arrested the other day. But I'm going to have to save that story for later because the battery is about to die on my computer...
dial up sucks
happy halloween! way to go keeping us all in suspense! lol
So I hope all is well with you. Looks as though you are besides the slow connection, but you'll get over that
what are you going to be for halloween? well, take care and talk soon. aloha