Gee, having a job really... passes the time. I'm now a functional member of society! I splice negatives and put them through the processor, scan them for photo cds, cut them up (generally avoiding chopping your priceless wedding photo originals in half by accident when the stupid negative loader thing jams and I almost cut my finger off), and file them for you to come pick up. It's significantly easier than any job I've ever done, low stress (generally-- see the parenthetical statement above), and the hours are easy (10-6 or 11-7). So that's good.
Also, I get paid via direct deposit EVERY WEEK! That's a new one. With past jobs I've generally had to stalk and harass the manager/boss for weeks just to get paid at all. My first paycheck won't be until next week, however, so I can't go grocery shopping yet. But that's okay... scavenging your freezer and cabinets for edible remnants you can combine into something resembling a meal can be fun!
Tonight I made something resembling pork fried rice! I had a pork tenderloin in the freezer left over from a barbeque early in the summer, which I marinated in a bunch of random condiments. The only soy sauce I had is this black soy sauce that I bought years ago, thinking it would be exotic and interesting, that's bitter and tastes like msg. So I mixed it with some balsamic vinegar (the only kind of vinegar I have, for some reason), some Trader Joe's Peppercorn Brandy sauce (for body and yummy peppercorn-ness), some Mae Ploy Sweet Chili Sauce (the last of the bottle--damn I love that stuff!), some black sesame seeds, garlic, and a little bit of peanut butter (to cut some of the harshness of the other sauces). All together it actually tasted pretty good. I let the pork marinate for 30 minutes and then roasted it in the oven for 40.
I sauteed the remnants of a bag of frozen green beans and added some leftover Rice-a-Roni (chicken flavor!) and some of the pork marinade, then sliced the pork and added it. Ta-da! Leftover goodness!
Tomorrow is my day off, so I'll get to catch up on all the SG stuff I've missed in the last couple of days. Someone please bump my thread about tattoos and piercing and pain and meditaion and stuff. I started it the other day right before a bunch of drama happened on the boards, and it got ignored. This makes me sad.
In summary-- I am a functional member of scoiety now, I make awesome frugal scavenging-the-fridge meals, and being ignored makes me sad. The end.
Also, I get paid via direct deposit EVERY WEEK! That's a new one. With past jobs I've generally had to stalk and harass the manager/boss for weeks just to get paid at all. My first paycheck won't be until next week, however, so I can't go grocery shopping yet. But that's okay... scavenging your freezer and cabinets for edible remnants you can combine into something resembling a meal can be fun!
Tonight I made something resembling pork fried rice! I had a pork tenderloin in the freezer left over from a barbeque early in the summer, which I marinated in a bunch of random condiments. The only soy sauce I had is this black soy sauce that I bought years ago, thinking it would be exotic and interesting, that's bitter and tastes like msg. So I mixed it with some balsamic vinegar (the only kind of vinegar I have, for some reason), some Trader Joe's Peppercorn Brandy sauce (for body and yummy peppercorn-ness), some Mae Ploy Sweet Chili Sauce (the last of the bottle--damn I love that stuff!), some black sesame seeds, garlic, and a little bit of peanut butter (to cut some of the harshness of the other sauces). All together it actually tasted pretty good. I let the pork marinate for 30 minutes and then roasted it in the oven for 40.
I sauteed the remnants of a bag of frozen green beans and added some leftover Rice-a-Roni (chicken flavor!) and some of the pork marinade, then sliced the pork and added it. Ta-da! Leftover goodness!
Tomorrow is my day off, so I'll get to catch up on all the SG stuff I've missed in the last couple of days. Someone please bump my thread about tattoos and piercing and pain and meditaion and stuff. I started it the other day right before a bunch of drama happened on the boards, and it got ignored. This makes me sad.
In summary-- I am a functional member of scoiety now, I make awesome frugal scavenging-the-fridge meals, and being ignored makes me sad. The end.
awesome and tell that pussy that I have to work tomorrow too, no being a butthead and not going! haha... I shall see you later i hope!!! I hope I recognize you, lol...
Well I have red and black hair and my James has glasses (alas, no spiked hair)... guess we're BOTH generic. hah