When I took my first trip to India three years ago. I contracted a nasty parasite and it took me about a year to cope/deal with it. I took all the meds and even though I tested negative for it I still was having signs of it still being in me for the first year back. I went back in to find out I still had it so I went threw another batch of meds and was golden so the tests said. I then tried to get back on dairy but I figured after a year with no lactose that when I tried dairy again I wasnt able to process it. So I went to India again and just kept of dairy while there again and was uber careful about my water intake and I did a 7 days fast with another week of citrus coming off the water fast. I then tried dairy again and no go. So now a year later and just being vegan for these past years has done me well but I dont think that parasite ever left. I have months were I am really healthy and good and then months were all the signs of him are back and my stomach is just in pain. It has been about three weeks now of the signs of him being back and Im getting really fucking skinny.
The first major weight lose was in India the first trip, leaving I weighted in at 187lbs which was thick but I felt good. Coming home from that first trip I was down to 145lbs in a 2 month time. A major lose and in the past year I have gotten back to 175 with a lot of exercise and protein shakes, now I am back down around 155 and I cant keep anything inside me. I am getting too damn skinny. I need health care!
The first major weight lose was in India the first trip, leaving I weighted in at 187lbs which was thick but I felt good. Coming home from that first trip I was down to 145lbs in a 2 month time. A major lose and in the past year I have gotten back to 175 with a lot of exercise and protein shakes, now I am back down around 155 and I cant keep anything inside me. I am getting too damn skinny. I need health care!