happy new year to the land of pretty people.

well the year is haping up nicely and i feel direction for the first time in years.
thanks to my good friend helen i have been able to reachivate my account,thanks hun:p

so ill fill you all in soon with the story of what ive been up to and how the band is shaping up.

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Hey I still havnt had a chance to listen to black tie knife fight cause every time I go online I have no headphones or something! I will hear it soon though smile skull
hey hey suicide land of beautiful people.

im feeling more in control and positive today,i see a plan or the future finally arising in the fog of emotion. for once i know what i want...well of course i can't foregt the dream to be a rock star and live the lifestyle...if i don't have a dream then how you gonna have a dream come trueooo..get...
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Yeah, Minus the Bear are cool. I used to listen to shit loads of Hardcore and stuff (Norma Jean, Drowningman, ETID, 18v, PTW - I have a PTW tattoo) but now I really like electropop stuff, maybe some indie/emo...

Yesyes, old skool Peter Jackson OWNS

You look familiar, were you ever on myspace/friendster?

i was bored and browsing. thought i'd say hi. hi, hc kid! love your tattoos! u r hawt! (sarcasm doesn't work on the interweb, does it)

erm, yeah. carry on...
hey goodday i bid you all a merry one ARRR!!!
....well thank you captain.....mm

just a breif one coz im not in the mood for a long chat.

i just got back from my first visit to brighton to meet my best friend the stunning tash.thanks for the wicked time tash...hope to do it again.i would like to thank this lovely web site for hooking me...
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was good talking to you yesterday kiss
hey im back for the time being.
i got enticed by the ever beautiful tash and decided to reactivate my account.

alot has happend recently with the band but ill just cut it short this time and i just liked to thank ali or empireblues for putting on the show in nottingham and a good time wasa had by all.

take care..till fleeting returns skull wink
Hehe i meet him too...although i have to admit i didnt know who he was at the time...(i had never heard 18 visions before i saw them) blush but they were very good...so much so im going to see them again in exeter next monday smile
now that's a damn cool profile pic you have there young adam. i keep meaning to get round to downsizing and sending the rest of the decent pics to you...

maybe tomorrow blush
hey hey SG land haven't added in will to this little profile jammy.

hows it going out there???

well things are realy are crazy for me at the moment,and dam am i sexualy frustrated..i ned a night of hot hot passion...... shocked

so the clock is tickinga im moving in about 9 days so might not be online for a week.its abit sad moving out of...
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so the band is going well? miao!!
well well hello SG land biggrin

i fell on top form today after a quality day of gifts food and the most beautiful girl in my life layed by my side wink
i got a sick digi camera and a blinging solid steal watch and a dvd player that plays every of disc format...quiet eventful i think... ARRR!!! ...well im glad you agree captain..hehe

i had a kick...
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hey happy belated b'day dude biggrin sounds like a good day was had.

do you reckon you could send me one of yer demos so i could hear a bit more of your stuff before you come down for the gig?? i'm away at the mo, but if it's cool i'll send you my addy at home, i could pay you back at the show if needs be.

lemme know! see u in october (the 2nd to be precise. I keep checking that people remember...)

edited to say: your profile pic is rad ARRR!!!

[Edited on Jul 16, 2004 6:12PM]
smile miao!!
hello SG land on this sunny sunday ARRR!!!

how are we all.......???

well alot more has gone on since i added my last journal,and alot i guess is personal and depressing so i won't go on and wine about it.all i'll say is my gran (mums mum) died and then last night my grandad died (dads dad).
hey what can you do but get on with...
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happy birthday!! miao!!
happy b-day there !
i've been busy at the moment with the band and work and man has it been productive.

my band has finished a 3 track demo which was recored at my mate daves diy studio 'growroom-studio's'.it was multi tracked and it sound awsome.it only took 3 days and i think it gives a good representation of our songs.the bassist rob has done some ace art work...
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wow look at all these comments...thanks people i need all the support i can get at the moment.. blush
yeah i do, i'm not online at the moment cos my computers being a bit tempermental but mail me your address and i'll add you baby kiss

and hehehe nice try, just trying to get money out of me are ya?! blackeyed kiss
so a new week is upon us,i just hopes it better than last week.but hey we did all get a new mary set...
girl's like mary are the reason i signed up for this site..but i was pleasently surprised by the amount of cool people that you can meet on SG's.i love you guys...

so yesterday i kind of realised something that kind of scared...
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so a new week is upon us,i just hopes it better than last week.but hey we did all get a new mary set... wink eeek kiss
girl's like mary are the reason i signed up for this site..but i was pleasently surprised by the amount of cool people that you can meet on SG's.i love you guys... biggrin

so yesterday i kind of realised something that kind of scared...
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so another week has gone by and what a intense week it has been,fucking hell it seems like im being tested to see how much trama i can handle in aweek.arh fuck it i can handle it.not like this is the first time that my life has been turbulent.

so im not going to go into detail coz i don't wan to wine like abitch,these...
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hey smile
wining like a bitch is good it leads to that feeling of catharsis, and then you can get over it and move on to the next load of bollox heading your way. Just checked out your website it's pretty cool i've seen d'rail a few times i think there robot real good. I saw drive it like you stole it at cockpit they were pretty cool but my mate saw walls of jerico in someones livingroom, round the corner from where i live it sounded mad 60 people crammed in the livingroom and garden, i missed it frown
hey babe, how have u been? miao!!