Something really funny happened last night. After we left the club we were stopped at a Pride-Mart convience store. Now the girl driving was listening to a Jay-Z cd. I dont know the name of the song but there is one where Jay-Z is going "my nigga, my nigga WHA!, my nigga" etc you get the picture.. So we all had been drinking a little and the girls (with the exception of the driver) are feeling pretty good. So we go in the store and the we are getting mixers to drink more. The girls are singing this line of the song and we're walking up to counter. They're being loud but not horrible, just happy, not stupid drunk. I had already bought my drink and was waiting outside, the girls are walking up to the counter singing this line when girl-1 stops while girl-2 continues. You see the the clerk was a black fellow who was doing his best to get the attention of girl-2 by like coughing just being like "Hi, can I get you anything" then girl-2 spots said clerk and stops mid "nigga" and goes "Oh.." she then quickly gives girl-1 her beverage and goes hides in the car. I, at this point, have a fallen over laughing and girl-1 is doing her best to keep it together. The clerk was a great sport about it and girl-2 felt really bad but its one of those golden embarassment moments. The world loves drunk people.
I have the worst song stuck in my head right now (Dashboard Con-blahblahblah), I haven't heard it in a while I dont own the record and it just popped in there. Somewhere an emo-boy is crying.
I have the worst song stuck in my head right now (Dashboard Con-blahblahblah), I haven't heard it in a while I dont own the record and it just popped in there. Somewhere an emo-boy is crying.
The world would have loved me last night.