I heard David Pelz speak last night . He is the author of " A child named It". Quite an admirable guy. His motivation-message was "Get over it! Move on!".
Sadly, he has strong pro-war convictions. He seems to buy the whole basket of Bush bullshit.
There is buzz that Hollywood is doing a movie about his life as an abused child. Not sure if I can see it - I have a 13 year old daughter and have trouble "enjoying" a movie that puts a child's life in danger. I've become a Daddy-wuss, I suppose.
Cheers, Pat Reilly
Sadly, he has strong pro-war convictions. He seems to buy the whole basket of Bush bullshit.
There is buzz that Hollywood is doing a movie about his life as an abused child. Not sure if I can see it - I have a 13 year old daughter and have trouble "enjoying" a movie that puts a child's life in danger. I've become a Daddy-wuss, I suppose.
Cheers, Pat Reilly
His books are amazing! However, I can't imagine anyone at all being in support of this war...

Whose books?