Haha! Pseudo-corporate Will is here!
I will infiltrate your ranks by pretending to play your game, and then I will get medieval on your ass!
Haha! Pay me lots to slowly debase you!
[annoucer's hushed voice-over here]
...for more information on you you can receive the medieval ass treatment from Will, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to "Yo Mama", po box 123, Portland Oregon. Wait 3-5 weeks for delivery.
I will infiltrate your ranks by pretending to play your game, and then I will get medieval on your ass!
Haha! Pay me lots to slowly debase you!
[annoucer's hushed voice-over here]
...for more information on you you can receive the medieval ass treatment from Will, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to "Yo Mama", po box 123, Portland Oregon. Wait 3-5 weeks for delivery.
What's mine say?