well it's been so damn long since I updated this journal that I don't know if I should reply to my now very out of date message.... too much in life for me to spend enough time on it all....how could the year be nearly half over already.
More Blogs
Wednesday Nov 05, 2003
home again, home again nothing to report, just another day. it was… -
Tuesday Nov 04, 2003
meanwhile, back at the ranch.. Im home sick. Except the cool thing… -
Sunday Nov 02, 2003
short journal tonight, watched "Dancer Upstairs" -liked it. ate rea… -
Saturday Nov 01, 2003
Im not as sick as I was yesterday and for that I am very, very glad. … -
Friday Oct 31, 2003
Happy Halloween everybody! I'm home sick and I really feel crappy. Do… -
Thursday Oct 30, 2003
Willy Brown, mayor of SF said something I found interesting during hi… -
Wednesday Oct 29, 2003
here's a non sequitur: I let those damn neighbor cats spend last n… -
Tuesday Oct 28, 2003
o k my eyes are blurry from sifting through 4 journal pages worth… -
Monday Oct 27, 2003
So, since I may have single handedly crashed SG by trying to switch t… -
Sunday Oct 26, 2003
must make this short, which shouldn't matter since nobody reads this …