Willy Brown, mayor of SF said something I found interesting during his speach the other day. He basicaly said that for each day you remain in office you earn one more supporter and create one more ingrate.
That really applies to real life too I think. I find that the there is really no pleasing everyone. There are extremes though: if you piss off mother Theresa you're likely to generate lots of enemies and only a few supporters. The difference between politicians and the rest of us is that they use this pricipal to their advantage, carefully balancing pissing of this person against pissing off this person and so on and so forth. Real people, if they even think about this at all, are hindered by it. They don't want to make people dislike them as a general rule and can get quite hung up worrying about the effects of their actions.
blah blah blah it's what I wanted to write about and, after all, it's my journal.
how's that for applying the precceding principle pronto?
That really applies to real life too I think. I find that the there is really no pleasing everyone. There are extremes though: if you piss off mother Theresa you're likely to generate lots of enemies and only a few supporters. The difference between politicians and the rest of us is that they use this pricipal to their advantage, carefully balancing pissing of this person against pissing off this person and so on and so forth. Real people, if they even think about this at all, are hindered by it. They don't want to make people dislike them as a general rule and can get quite hung up worrying about the effects of their actions.
blah blah blah it's what I wanted to write about and, after all, it's my journal.
how's that for applying the precceding principle pronto?

hey, i got your email! i haven't had time to write back, but i will.
i'm currently moving home for the 2 months of holidays that soon will be upon us, so my print-making abilities will be much better in about a week!