So I’ve never been good at keeping up with this blog homework because I’m such a procrastinator and then when I finally decide to do it it’s already another homework assignment lol I’m horrible I know. But I made a conscious effort this time to finally do the blog homework and I’m glad I picked this week because it’s all about who is your favorite fictional character and why.
My favorite fictional character is Calvin from the cartoon Calvin and Hobbes. I’ve been reading Calvin and Hobbes since I was a little girl and my dad gave me a couple books of theirs when I was younger that he used to have and read. I think the reason I love Calvin so much is because he reflects everything that I’m feeling as an adult but in a kid version. I don’t really believe we ever grow up in our hearts and inside all of us is the same mentality and ambition and drive that Calvin has so it’s easy to relate to his issues because you’re feeling them too. Calvin is imaginative to say the least he had so many adventures with his tiger when in reality Hobbs wasn’t a real tiger but you would believe that he was standing right there next to Calvin going on every adventure with him.
I think ultimately that’s the reason I love Calvin and Hobbes so much is because when I was little we didn’t have computers to go play on we didn’t have cell phones. I would literally be outside in the summer from morning till the streetlights came on playing and having adventures. Everything that you could think of was possible if you imagined and it makes me sad to think future generations might not have that same respect for creativeness.
Without a doubt Calvin and Hobbes were my hero’s and still are because they show us just how silly adults can sound sometimes.
Thank you for reading!!
@rambo @missy