So... Thank Cher it's Friday! Rented Eyes Wide Shut and Dat Phan Live. I also have Monday off, so i'm totally excited about my long weekend. I made a profile on a few nights ago. Kinda gay.... but so am I. haha. I'm already in an awesome relationship with my man Sean. But i'm looking for a female companion. Someone who can be my total best friend... who I have sex with. Sean is a little sketchy on the idea, because he's afraid i'll leave him for said friend. But he's a completely supportive and understanding boyfriend no matter what. Which is why he is mine
Nothing really too promising yet. It's slim pickens here in the bible belt of backwoods Arkansas.

and also thank you for liking Eyes Wide Shut. you dont know how many arguments i've gotten into with people, mostly women now that i think about it, who say that its a terrible movie. you must be secure enough in youre body not to be threatened by a movie that depicts male sexual fantasies come to life, i guess. lol.