had the best bath ever. epson salts, bubble bath, candles, orange juice and a cigarette. (I drank all my wine last night, the oj wins tonight)
goin to cr to see my boy tomorrow. can't wait till he starts walking next month, that means he'll be drivin soon and he can come see ME again! (He got hit by a car in september on his skateboard, broke both his legs and his left arm) he's the cutest cripple i ever seen though! and he's making a full recovery.
squeeky clean. life is good.

i'll leave you with a pic of the jolly nappy days.

goodnight serenity.
goin to cr to see my boy tomorrow. can't wait till he starts walking next month, that means he'll be drivin soon and he can come see ME again! (He got hit by a car in september on his skateboard, broke both his legs and his left arm) he's the cutest cripple i ever seen though! and he's making a full recovery.
squeeky clean. life is good.

i'll leave you with a pic of the jolly nappy days.

goodnight serenity.
I was going to take a bath lastnight but I was too lazy because I had to clean the tub first.