So I've completely reached insomniac mode again. I have not been sleeping for the past couple weeks. it really sucks. My boyfriend has left for military training in San Antonio, so he is gone for the the rest of the week. Seeing as how I don't like going home to an empty house, i am staying with my bestie schekellymoose <33333333
In other news my friend bailey got engaged when she went to go visit her then boyfriend on base. In some sense i am kinda jealous, because I want to be engaged. lol. it sounds so ridiculous because we already live together and have been for almost a year now(april 19th will be the year mark) and we've been together almost 3 years. I don't know its something about actually stating it...but we're really too poor for all that, besides the fact that i turned him down 3 times. (dumb) I suppose I just didn't think I was ready and now i, so whats a girl to do about that? well, whatever happens, I still love him, i don't need a ring or a piece of paper to prove it <3333333
I miss him lots. I am such a loser, because he has only been gone for 2 days so far, but I suppose when you are so used to sleeping with someone...its strange sleeping by yourself.
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I'll be the big 20! huzzah for the death of the teenager!
I know its not really the big know its one of the odd ones. 16 you can drive, 18 you can buy porn and cigs, 21 you can drink legally, 25 your insurance goes down, 30 you are middle aged, 40 over the so all the birthdays in between seem so unimportant..but for some reason, I am throughly excited about my 20th birthday. I have no idea what I am going to do for it because I haven't really made any plans....but ah what the hell we'll see.
Now, i am going to TRY to sleep, because i have work tomorrow and I don't think any of my co workers could really deal with me as a grumpy ol hoss.
In other news my friend bailey got engaged when she went to go visit her then boyfriend on base. In some sense i am kinda jealous, because I want to be engaged. lol. it sounds so ridiculous because we already live together and have been for almost a year now(april 19th will be the year mark) and we've been together almost 3 years. I don't know its something about actually stating it...but we're really too poor for all that, besides the fact that i turned him down 3 times. (dumb) I suppose I just didn't think I was ready and now i, so whats a girl to do about that? well, whatever happens, I still love him, i don't need a ring or a piece of paper to prove it <3333333
I miss him lots. I am such a loser, because he has only been gone for 2 days so far, but I suppose when you are so used to sleeping with someone...its strange sleeping by yourself.
In More news
I'll be the big 20! huzzah for the death of the teenager!
I know its not really the big know its one of the odd ones. 16 you can drive, 18 you can buy porn and cigs, 21 you can drink legally, 25 your insurance goes down, 30 you are middle aged, 40 over the so all the birthdays in between seem so unimportant..but for some reason, I am throughly excited about my 20th birthday. I have no idea what I am going to do for it because I haven't really made any plans....but ah what the hell we'll see.
Now, i am going to TRY to sleep, because i have work tomorrow and I don't think any of my co workers could really deal with me as a grumpy ol hoss.