just another day....its sunny tho..but im back at home..but i miss school and my friends already!!
It feels more like "home" there...everyone here is so involved and obnoxious, they seem to refuse to GROW any..i dont understand the stagnation and mentality of these people..ive known and been close to them for so long...and now..im just so fuckin detached from it all..and i dont really have too many REAL friends here.. im just kinda lonely..already..im just kindve in limbo right now with my life.and people i choose to surrond myself with..i no longer NEED something or someone..im actually tired of being treated like shit and going back for more..just because i dont know or have anything else for the present..im not really content with just being yet...maybe because i just a real people person. and i find i work best and learn the most about myself when im surronded and interacring with people..(im a LEO..its what we do!
!)..but i guess i just miss friends..people..and at the same time..not willing to sacrefice who i am to fit for everyone else..BUT..."no one said it was easy...but no one said it would be this hard.."
It feels more like "home" there...everyone here is so involved and obnoxious, they seem to refuse to GROW any..i dont understand the stagnation and mentality of these people..ive known and been close to them for so long...and now..im just so fuckin detached from it all..and i dont really have too many REAL friends here.. im just kinda lonely..already..im just kindve in limbo right now with my life.and people i choose to surrond myself with..i no longer NEED something or someone..im actually tired of being treated like shit and going back for more..just because i dont know or have anything else for the present..im not really content with just being yet...maybe because i just a real people person. and i find i work best and learn the most about myself when im surronded and interacring with people..(im a LEO..its what we do!

I have no advice or words of comfort to offer, and so will simply say that it is a pleasure to know you, even in this small way.