That little stockpile of money I saved up has been blown (and then some) on entirely too many nights out eating. I think I can be forgiven since most of them involved hanging out with two of my friends who were leaving (at the time) and who are now gone. This (the friends moving and the money thing) makes me sad. Now that they're gone, though, I ought to start stockpiling cash again.
Job, typically, was given to someone else. I hardly even worry about it anymore. I might do some subbing work once or twice a week, might be worth it to pad my work salary.
Been in strange moods lately. I'm starting to get sort of sullen, a month or so too early.
Job, typically, was given to someone else. I hardly even worry about it anymore. I might do some subbing work once or twice a week, might be worth it to pad my work salary.
Been in strange moods lately. I'm starting to get sort of sullen, a month or so too early.