Hung up 50 flyers today. Had to take two showers (plus one hair wetting) and go through two outfits. My mom checked at the vet. From what I can tell, she's been in tears all day. My mom and stepdad are both dog lovers in a big way, so they must feel totally awful that this had to happen on their shift. Still really sad about it, naturally. Quite a few things I could have done to prevent or assist: stronger collar, better tags (only had his vaccination tags), chip, not going to the bar after the wine tasting party, not letting him stay over at my parents. These sorts of thoughts are not constructive, and I'm a big believer in not worrying about things you can't control. (Perhaps too big, actually, but that's another story)
I'm pretty sure I'll never see him again, though, which makes it less upsetting, somehow. I'm somewhat disturbed by how fast I seem to be able to get over things: I wonder if it's a sign of some sort of deep seated selfishness. Ugh.
Also did not get the LCS job. Now going to help my mom hang more signs. This is a less than stellar week.
I'm pretty sure I'll never see him again, though, which makes it less upsetting, somehow. I'm somewhat disturbed by how fast I seem to be able to get over things: I wonder if it's a sign of some sort of deep seated selfishness. Ugh.
Also did not get the LCS job. Now going to help my mom hang more signs. This is a less than stellar week.