Inconsistency lets down any long term liar. Live the life to be the best fraud ever. I can be anything I want to be. I am nothing though. A blank member ready for moulding to whatever shape the mission requires. I hope the end is nigh, I'm fookin bored of waiting. I've made it through another week now. I can justify some damage. Raaaaaaaaarrrw.
More Blogs
Wednesday May 10, 2006
Final thought for the day. Canadian women are hot. -
Wednesday May 10, 2006
The stupidest non sensical things make me laugh. Today we were talkin… -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
Advertise this! I shouldn't watch the sorry excuse for news they s… -
Thursday May 04, 2006
Local newspaper. The most sensationalist publication ever. The whole … -
Tuesday May 02, 2006
"What would you do if you were stuck in the same place and every day … -
Wednesday Apr 26, 2006
Everything is wrong and we need a horriffic disaster to fix it. I'm t… -
Friday Apr 21, 2006
'Righteous indignation'. What does that mean. All I remmeber was it w… -
Saturday Apr 15, 2006
125+ channels of cyrstal clear filth and I still don't see the point.… -
Friday Apr 14, 2006
I was just speaking to my mate on MSN. The conversation went somethin… -
Friday Apr 14, 2006
The responsible man who get's a taxi home rather than driving his boo…