125+ channels of cyrstal clear filth and I still don't see the point. The oldest profession on the planet is now coming to YOUR home through satellite. And now, there's no need to even be there! Babestation, Babecast, DirtyGurlz, BabeCamz, it's all the same. They don't even need to accept the sailor into the port anymore to get paid. Yabber to someone on the blower whilst they flash their growler at the camera (fully covered mind cos we wouldn't want to upset the moral majority.) It's evolution baby!
More Blogs
Thursday Jun 22, 2006
The Auditors know it all. The weekend is coming up. More drinking … -
Monday Jun 19, 2006
The last 10 days of seemingly nothingness cummulated today with my id… -
Friday Jun 09, 2006
I hear about protestors saying "Stop the war". Apprently they are tal… -
Thursday Jun 08, 2006
When it's hot no one gives a toss any more. The shit keeps on happeni… -
Tuesday May 30, 2006
Many have the answer, few know the question. -
Thursday May 25, 2006
Everything is the same yet it is undisputably different. The same peo… -
Tuesday May 23, 2006
I was playing about with a pice of software for designing room layout… -
Sunday May 21, 2006
Big things will just happen by themselves. It's the small things that… -
Friday May 19, 2006
2 lanes on the road to hell are closed for re-surfacing. Expect delay… -
Friday May 12, 2006
I ain't afraid of no ghost!