I wish I was a member of SGUK. Then I could join in the obvious conversation about the relaxing of the drinking laws. My Opionion is, it is a beatifull thing. I am now able to go for a drink with my old friends when I get back off the bus. I saw so much less trouble. To me, it has worked out far better than I dreamed. I thoght that the first few days/weeks would be a nightmare, they have turned out to be heaven.
At the moment, I'm quite in love with the world. I made a beautifull sandwich when I got home. My dad made a fresh ham joint yesterday, so I had a fresh ham with beetroot(homemade) and pickled onion(bought from the supermarket!) with a small amount of french mustard (also fresh). Also, it was on granary (brown) bread. Fucking gorgeous. I love brackets. I wish you all could have tasted it.
At the moment, I'm quite in love with the world. I made a beautifull sandwich when I got home. My dad made a fresh ham joint yesterday, so I had a fresh ham with beetroot(homemade) and pickled onion(bought from the supermarket!) with a small amount of french mustard (also fresh). Also, it was on granary (brown) bread. Fucking gorgeous. I love brackets. I wish you all could have tasted it.