Well.... I guess good things DO happen to bad people sometimes...
I woke up this afternoon and decided.. that I wasn't going to work. I just called in to the call out line (sooooo not talking to anyone) and told them I was worried I'd hurt my hands again (almost did lastnight) 2 days till doc, ect ect. I grabbed the gun intending to go shoot a couple huindred rounds.... never made it that far. While stopping off at Lone Wolf to see Brandon about finishing my 3rd industrial I met the new piercer.. who has replaced Brandon... She was oooing and ahhhing over my tattoos and all that then just out of the blue asked me if I had though about piercing..
at first there were "2 or 3 other people she was considering" but after we talked a little while and all.... yeah.. as long as Ben approves her having an apprentice (shouldn't be a problem) then it's a go.. I shall learn to pierce... yes my friends Acid is a VERY VERY happy camper. So to celebrate, and cause I just wanted a piercing I got both my tragus' (tragi? lol) done with 14ga rings.
So I'm off now to... well... do nothing but relax and be happy. Later I shall get back to my story writing.. but for now... relaxing time.
I woke up this afternoon and decided.. that I wasn't going to work. I just called in to the call out line (sooooo not talking to anyone) and told them I was worried I'd hurt my hands again (almost did lastnight) 2 days till doc, ect ect. I grabbed the gun intending to go shoot a couple huindred rounds.... never made it that far. While stopping off at Lone Wolf to see Brandon about finishing my 3rd industrial I met the new piercer.. who has replaced Brandon... She was oooing and ahhhing over my tattoos and all that then just out of the blue asked me if I had though about piercing..

So I'm off now to... well... do nothing but relax and be happy. Later I shall get back to my story writing.. but for now... relaxing time.

I sooo love a happy ending.
Glad to read that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Have fun with the new vocation!