Hmmmmm. . . .
It keeps getting suggested and seconded.. so once I do a little looking into options.. Acid shall go play with guns
Other than once or twice here and there, I haven't shot a handgun since I was.... 8. .. no shotguns since I was about 14 and no assault rifles since... about 16, lol. Soo... yeah... I get to learn how to shoot al over again. first gun I buy will be a little .22 ... cause ammo is cheap enough I can afford to practice with a few hundred rounds a week, lol.
This of course will all be after I get around to getting an eye exam and getting rid of these bloody glasses. I might get a new pair.. but for the most part.. time to go back to contacts.
Later all
It keeps getting suggested and seconded.. so once I do a little looking into options.. Acid shall go play with guns

Other than once or twice here and there, I haven't shot a handgun since I was.... 8. .. no shotguns since I was about 14 and no assault rifles since... about 16, lol. Soo... yeah... I get to learn how to shoot al over again. first gun I buy will be a little .22 ... cause ammo is cheap enough I can afford to practice with a few hundred rounds a week, lol.
This of course will all be after I get around to getting an eye exam and getting rid of these bloody glasses. I might get a new pair.. but for the most part.. time to go back to contacts.
Later all

There's a range in the middle of no -f'ing- where that I usually go to. It's unsupervised and my friends usually scare any stray rednecks off if the ear-shattering noise we make doesn't.