*grumbles* Well.. to my great consternation my car has apparently decided to die on me
first the bearings on my water pump went out, then during the 10 mile drive to get a new one (I was visiting family in Waverly/McEwan) the seal on said pump let go.. so not only was it not getting any of that lovely cooling circulation, but it began hemorageing water. a couple of overheats and refills later I get it home and install the new pump.. start to drive home and. . . . . suddenly it decided to start pinging and not run anymore.... so I parked it and called a ride. I'm hoping I didn't fry a piston.. or the damn head..
*sighs* then.. just to rub salt in the wound, the passenger door handle suddenly stopped working.
I shall be arranging to have it towed up here later .. today. but for now.. I REALY need sleep.
Later all

*sighs* then.. just to rub salt in the wound, the passenger door handle suddenly stopped working.
I shall be arranging to have it towed up here later .. today. but for now.. I REALY need sleep.
Later all