Somebody stop me!!!! hehe in adition to the two tattoos I started monday, and will finish in a week or so.. I got a labret today, stretched the septum to a 6 ga, and am gonna get a pair of nauticle satrs on my wrists tomorrow.... yes I know I'm bad..... and no I'm not trying to set some record, lol. I'm. . . just impulsive and bored. That's not to say I don't carefully consider ALL my mods before I get them.. but still. hell... I considered the possible impacts from the stars on my wrists as far as future jobs are concerned for 2 days...... but still... I dunno.... I just like it.... they make me happy..
call me crazy, call me odd, call me unique.. I don't care anymore..... I've given up trying to please anyone.
Very few people will ever truly accept me without judgement or reservation.... I've made peace with that..
I don't have a girlfriend and am too bloody shy to go about getting one.. I've made my peace with that as well...
Life carries on as it always have...
call me crazy, call me odd, call me unique.. I don't care anymore..... I've given up trying to please anyone.
Very few people will ever truly accept me without judgement or reservation.... I've made peace with that..
I don't have a girlfriend and am too bloody shy to go about getting one.. I've made my peace with that as well...
Life carries on as it always have...

You are welcome. I hope your special day is going great!!! 

Well, it's almost over, but I hope it was a great one! Another year and you're still here... there's more to that than most would think, but you know what I mean.