Well, the wondering is now over, finally heard from the insurance company and the doc, surgery is scheduled for the 18th of April. They actually tried to schedule it for my birthday........ not bloody likely, lol. Since none of my close friends are even in this state, I don't really expect much to happen. I promised the lovely MlleMinx I'd stop by her white trash bbq, hehe. but other than that.. I dunno. I'm not really the club kinda person.... at least not when I'm alone.
I dunno, I just prefer to drink where I'm staying for the night, not only does it help prevent one of those nasty and annoying DUI things, but also, even though I've never acted poorly while drinking, incase it ever did happen, I'd only act the fool around friends, and not a bloody room full of strangers.
I guess I'm just odd like that. I really don't drink very often anymore. Other than the occasional one or two, I rarely drink for real.... I.E. my somewhat infamous drink a fifth and change kinda sessions, lol. My odd reaction to booze plays a part in it.... once I stop drinking, gimme a little while, half hour tops, and you'd swear I hadn't drank anything, the one exception of the night I drank an entire gallon of Old Crow *gags* and about a half a fifth of rum.... downed them over about 4 hours, and drove home about an hour after I stopped.... drove a motorcycle, lol. Got pulled over for speeding.. but he never suspected I'd been drinking... *evil grin*
I dunno, I just prefer to drink where I'm staying for the night, not only does it help prevent one of those nasty and annoying DUI things, but also, even though I've never acted poorly while drinking, incase it ever did happen, I'd only act the fool around friends, and not a bloody room full of strangers.
I guess I'm just odd like that. I really don't drink very often anymore. Other than the occasional one or two, I rarely drink for real.... I.E. my somewhat infamous drink a fifth and change kinda sessions, lol. My odd reaction to booze plays a part in it.... once I stop drinking, gimme a little while, half hour tops, and you'd swear I hadn't drank anything, the one exception of the night I drank an entire gallon of Old Crow *gags* and about a half a fifth of rum.... downed them over about 4 hours, and drove home about an hour after I stopped.... drove a motorcycle, lol. Got pulled over for speeding.. but he never suspected I'd been drinking... *evil grin*