I'm FINALLY back online. yay for me. Granted for most of you.. aka those with a life, having the net be down for 2 days is no big deal..... but still damn it. When one considers that I'm on workers comp, aka nothing to do all day, all my friends live at least 2 states away, I'm single and basically have no life (attractive huh?) sitting around online all day is what I do, lol. Granted this forced me to do better things, like read the 4 books I was in the middle of. Sadly, all that did was lead to me starting another 4 books. I also started on a few sketches, which I'm still working on, with a little love, and a TON of erasing and redrawing, they may one day become tattoos.. So now I'm reading theese 4 books;
Blood curdling tales of horror and the macabre (Lovecraft). The complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. [these 2 for my dark moods of late] The Lord of the Rings (again!!!) and Knife of Dreams
At this point in life.. anyone local, or somewhat local, what me drag my ass out somewhere and actually DO something.. is MOST welcome ... just don't expect me to dance... I KNOW I can't dance, nuff said. I can do that thing where I stand there and kinda sway while you dance around me, lol.. but I doubt that counts. I'm far to shy for my own good.. I'm ok meeting a new person.. I'm just to shy to go up and initiate said meeting, hehe.
ok scratch that.. gimme untill Friday when my deposite clears, THEN feel free to drag me out, lol.
On a somewhat sad note, one of the new lip studs is being MOST difficult >.< It's the one Brandon hit scar tissue on and barely managed to get the needle through. It's swollen so bad that it actually worked the ball off the end (luckily I found it) and the stud won't even fit through any more. So between now and tomorrow when I drag ass outta bed, I have an old tongue stud in it, with a small labret ball on the inside.
I'm having a hell of a time resisting picking at my healing tattoos... I admit, I'm bad about that. In my defence though, the one that will probably require a touchup isn't my fault!! honest!!! I was working on a faulty light socket (again) when the bloody roommate walked in and hit the switch (AGAIN!!!) needless to say, it shocked the holy shit outta me, so as I let go and fell from the lofty heights of the chair I was on, I managed to rub against the cinderblock wall (basement) which naturally hand the expected sandpaper effect on my tattoo.... I only hope the scaring will be kept to a minimum. cause Jet is in New York, so I'll have to have someone other than the origional artist fix it >.< .. not gonna wait a year to fix it.
Anyway, tis been a longer update than most... one of these days I'll get a bloody life, till then.. my sketchpad calls. If you get bored, drop a line on AIM... if I'm online, it's on. (even though I despise aol and don't dialup with them =P )
Later all
Blood curdling tales of horror and the macabre (Lovecraft). The complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. [these 2 for my dark moods of late] The Lord of the Rings (again!!!) and Knife of Dreams
At this point in life.. anyone local, or somewhat local, what me drag my ass out somewhere and actually DO something.. is MOST welcome ... just don't expect me to dance... I KNOW I can't dance, nuff said. I can do that thing where I stand there and kinda sway while you dance around me, lol.. but I doubt that counts. I'm far to shy for my own good.. I'm ok meeting a new person.. I'm just to shy to go up and initiate said meeting, hehe.
ok scratch that.. gimme untill Friday when my deposite clears, THEN feel free to drag me out, lol.
On a somewhat sad note, one of the new lip studs is being MOST difficult >.< It's the one Brandon hit scar tissue on and barely managed to get the needle through. It's swollen so bad that it actually worked the ball off the end (luckily I found it) and the stud won't even fit through any more. So between now and tomorrow when I drag ass outta bed, I have an old tongue stud in it, with a small labret ball on the inside.
I'm having a hell of a time resisting picking at my healing tattoos... I admit, I'm bad about that. In my defence though, the one that will probably require a touchup isn't my fault!! honest!!! I was working on a faulty light socket (again) when the bloody roommate walked in and hit the switch (AGAIN!!!) needless to say, it shocked the holy shit outta me, so as I let go and fell from the lofty heights of the chair I was on, I managed to rub against the cinderblock wall (basement) which naturally hand the expected sandpaper effect on my tattoo.... I only hope the scaring will be kept to a minimum. cause Jet is in New York, so I'll have to have someone other than the origional artist fix it >.< .. not gonna wait a year to fix it.
Anyway, tis been a longer update than most... one of these days I'll get a bloody life, till then.. my sketchpad calls. If you get bored, drop a line on AIM... if I'm online, it's on. (even though I despise aol and don't dialup with them =P )
Later all

I think you had just gotten your first one done when I dropped off. I saw a couple of piercing updates and I think one more tattoo on your myspace?
I'm horribly disappointed that I didn't make it to the convention.